My wife gets stuck in a queue of traffic. There is a car parked right at the top of a T junction and everyone has to ease past gently whilst watching for traffic turning in. The young lady driver of the car has stopped to answer her mobile as she does not have a hands-free kit.
I get held up on a main single carriageway road, very busy during the rush hour. Traffic is filtering past a Jeep type vehicle. The male driver is taking a phone call and has just stopped where he was. I think to myself that I would not spend my money on the vehicle he has splashed out on (though he has gone partially off-road in that the nearside wheels are on the pavement), but I did spare a few pounds for my hands-free kit, which was quite cheap.
And then I am about to drive past a row of parked cars. There should be room to pass even though there is a car coming the other way, but he is leaving me no room to pull out, so I have to wait. He has the phone to his right ear and acknowledges my courtesy by taking his left hand off the steering wheel to wave.
Some people seem to disregard totally the current law, never mind thinking about safety or consideration for other motorists. Or am I the one out of step?
Then again…
As I was driving home tonight in dry clear conditions, various people who clearly need sight tests have their fog lights on. Alternatively they may need brain tests.